Privacy Policy respects the privacy concerns of the users and have created this privacy policy to explain what information we gather from you when you visit our site, how we may use such information and the security measures we take to protect such information. Some information is collected on this site automatically through our technology; other information is collected only when you choose to give it to us (e.g. when you set up an account).

Information We Gather

When you visit this site, certain non-personal identifying information is recorded automatically by the standard operation of our Internet servers. Information such as the type of browser being used, its operating system, and your computer's Internet Protocol ("IP") address is gathered in order to facilitate our online operations and to assure an efficient online experience for you. We may use or share this information for security purposes, to generate group statistics about our user community, or as required by law.

Personal Information You Provide To Us

We may request personally identifying information from you in a variety of contexts. For example, you may provide such data to us if you complete an online registration form (e.g., registering for an account).

In such cases, the personally identifying information we request may include your name, email address, mailing address and zip code, phone number,

When you provide Personal Information to us, we may use that data to create a "Profile Page" for you, which will be held in a database using reasonable security measures to protect the data from unauthorized access. Others outside will not be allowed to see the data on your Profile Page except with your consent.

Google Privacy Policy

For Google Privacy Policy please read this

YouTube Privacy Policy

We are using YouTube API services, please read YouTube's pivacy policy here.